The Nada Sahib Gurudwara is a magnificent Sikh Gurudwara, located in the city of Panchkula in Haryana. Perched on the banks of the Ghagghar – Hakra River and nestled in the foot of the Shivalik Hills, the Gurudwara is truly a sight to behold. It’s grand marble structure is visible from the main road, and once you take the turn to enter the premises of the Gurudwara, the brilliant architecture of the Gurudwara is visible more clearly.
For almost everyone who stays in Panchkula, and even Chandigarh, Nada Sahib is the Gurudwara that one visits on any big occasions. I stay in Chandigarh and even I head to Nada Sahib on birthdays, the day before a big exam or an important meeting and so on! One such day, I had to go to Nada Sahib to thank Babaji for something (its a secret!) and I took Aseem, or Shah Ji, as you guys know him, along with me.
So I picked Aseem up from MDC in Panchkula, and both of us headed to Nada Sahib Gurudwara one sunny Sunday. In the sunlight, the beauty of the Gurudwara increased manifold and both me and Aseem were awestruck by it! I played the role of a tour guide, even though Aseem has already been to the Nada Sahib Gurudwara, I still wanted to share every bit of knowledge I had with my friend. Me and Aseem (Shah Ji) had gone to pay our respects, and also to do ‘Sewa’. No matter your faith, anyone can do the work of God in the Gurudwara, and doing Sewa was our way of thanking God for the blessings He bestows us with.
To enter the Gurudwara, you have to ascend marble stairs, and once you do, you have to take a moment and take in the entire Gurudwara, it is just that pretty!

Also, before entering any Gurudwara, you have to wash your hands and feet. There is usually a sink, for washing your hands, and a rectangular hollowed out space, which is always filled with water. Something like this:
Please ignore Aseem’s feet in this picture 😛
The area where you wash your hands and feet in Nada Sahib looks like this:
There’s the car parking area behind and you can see people washing their hands and feet in the foreground.
On weekends the Gurudwara is usually brimming with people, many who have come from far and wide places to pay respect. Even the weekend me and Aseem had gone, there were a lot of people who had come to visit. See for yourself!

Once you enter the Gurudwara, and see the grand resting place of Shri Guru Granth Sahib, the elegance and beauty once again renders you speechless. Aseem and me were standing in line for almost 20 minutes, patiently along with other devotees, to wait for our turn. And it is truly worth the wait!
Both me and Aseem were silent for a minute, absorbing the serenity of the Gurudwara. It is truly an experience.
The legend of the Gurudwara is spread far and wide. The grace and beauty of the Gurudwara along with its historical significance attracts tons of tourists each year. The Nada Sahib Gurudwara is the Gurudwara of Shri Guru Gobind Singh Ji, the tenth Guru of the Sikhs and hence is also known as Gurudwara Sahib Patshahi Dasveen Nada Sahib. The history behind this Gurudwara is also quite interesting. That will require a whole other post though, so stay tuned to this space for more on the History of Nada Sahib Gurudwara!
Have you ever visited the Nada Sahib Gurudwara in Panchkula? Do share your experience with us!
Until then, Sat Sri Akal, from Aseem Shah aka Shah Ji!
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