Shah Ji

No Hope – No Shine | Aseem Shah Panchkula Edition

No Hope - No Shine by Aseem Shah Panchkula

‘No Hope – No Shine’ is Aseem Shah’s Poem from year 2011, Panchkula.
Each one of us goes through a rough patch in life. At such unpleasant time, I personally feel better by writing down my feelings on a paper, expressing them in a poetic way.
In this poem, I Aseem Shah from Panchkula has expressed my confusion of being sad even when nothing is wrong. Here it goes…

The unconscious mind, Confusion of the time
Brain stopped working, no hope – no shine!

Nothing is wrong, but nothing seems right,
Am finding the darkness, in a day fully bright.

Dont understand, if I am growing weak or strong,
Surrounded with the goodness, still stuck wid the wrong.

Exploring myself to find what actually I want,
I dont see a glorious future, from the present that haunts.

”Happens sometimes”, everyone says,
Doesnt seem so temporary, its been since days.

I know, Life is a journey, but I dont know the destination,
The more I dig deeper, it causes a frustration.

I want the happiness that stays wid me.
Breaking the boundations of name fame money,
I wanna set myself free!

Copyright 2010 – 2011 Aseem Shah Panchkula. All rights reserved